We want your feedback! Scan the QR code to take our survey or use the links: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/99PGHG2 Spanish Version: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RZPCRX9 now through Jan. 1. Help us make the library the best place it can be! #BPLibraryLife...
Did you know that if we don’t have the item you are looking for, we can probably get it for you? Stop by the information desk, and they can search libraries worldwide for that item. #BPLibraryLife #interlibraryloan #books #dvds
Get your application today! The Teen Advisory Board, or TAB, is comprised of TEENS who are interested in becoming more involved with our community and library. This group will work with Youth Services staff to decide what they want to do. They will give input on the...
Get your FREE professional resume review today and confidently enter the job market this fall! Here’s how it works: Visit https://www.brainfuse.com/JobNow/index.asp?a_id=363FC7D6&ss=&r= and click Resume Lab. Upload your resume. Our experienced...
Who needs a yellow brick road when you have the Wicked soundtrack on @hoopladigital? Follow the music! https://www.hoopladigital.com/collection/wicked-the-soundtrack/108296 #BPLibraryLife #wickedthemusical #hoopladigital