Role of Exercise in the Prevention & Management of Heart Disease
Join us as Dax McCauley, Exercise Physiologist at Wellness Ascension St. John Jane Phillips, discusses how exercise can play a major role in the prevention of heart disease by lowering certain risk factors. Dax will also review how exercise is an important component...
Adult Craft Class
Tomorrow is the day to learn how to make a fun fidget jar. Click here to sign up...
President’s Day
Health, Fitness, & Wellness At a Glance for the Week of February 10-14
Health, Fitness, & Wellness At a Glance for the Week of February 10-14 Check BPL social media & website for any location changes due to weather. All classes are free and open to the public.
Find Your Type
Find your type today! #BPLibraryLife #libbyapp #yourtype #love #romancereads
TAB Display
Our TAB has picked some of their favorite young adult fantasy books to be on display. Find them under this beautiful poster made by Lili and Rylie in the young adult area. #BPLibraryLife #teenadvisoryboard #fantasy
HIGH Fitness w/ Ashlynn – Thursday, February 6
***RESCHEDULED CLASS*** HIGH Fitness w/Ashlynn will meet tonight, February 6, in Meeting Room A @ BPL at 7 PM!
Super Bowl Ready!
Get ready for Sunday's big game with these. #BPLibraryLife #libbyapp #superbowl #football
Valentine Bags
Kids and Teens help out the Friends of the Library by decorating a bag for them. Pick your bag at the Youth Services Desk today. #BPLibraryLife #friendsofthelibrary #valentines #kids #teens
Adult Craft Class
Next Tuesday is the day to learn how to make a fun fidget jar. Click the link to sign up: #BPLibraryLife #adultcrafting #BPLibraryLife #adultcrafting
High Fit Canceled Tonight
HIGH Fitness with Ashlynn is canceled for tonight!
Sign Up for Read to Hodge
Sign up HERE. #BPLibraryLife #read #readtohodge
Johnstone Irregulars Book Club
Join us for the Johnstone Irregulars Book Club in meeting room B tomorrow, at 6 p.m.. We will discuss Ariel Lawhon's "The Frozen River" Come enjoy a great discussion! Everyone is welcome! #BPLibraryLife #johnstoneirregularsbookclub #TheFrozenRiver #ariellawhon
Pound w/ Tarah @ Unity Square
Pound w/ Tarah will be held at Unity Square tonight, February 3!
Spanish Classes Canceled (February 3)
Both Spanish classes are CANCELED for tonight, February 3. Classes will resume on Monday, February 10.
In the Kitchen w/ Susan
Join us on Tuesday for In the Kitchen w/ Susan, where Susan will show how to make roasted chicken breast, served over a healthy Greek "pasta" that uses roasted cauliflower! If you attend the class in person, you'll get to taste this refreshing meal! 📅 Tuesday,...
Health, Fitness, & Wellness At a Glance for the Week of February 3-7
Health, Fitness, & Wellness At a Glance for the Week of February 3-7 Check BPL social media & website for any location changes due to weather. All classes are free and open to the public.