Friends of the Library
Friends give their IDEAS, SUPPORT, AND ENTHUSIASM to a variety of programs and services at the Bartlesville Public Library.
The Friends of the Bartlesville Public Library is a non-profit organization founded in 1980.
Their assistance has made a significant impact on what the Library can provide to the Bartlesville community. Their goals are to:
- Maintain a membership interested in books and other library materials.
- Stimulate public interest in the Bartlesville Public Library, its services, and its facilities.
- Focus attention on the needs of the Bartlesville Public Library.
- Provide for needs of the Library which are outside the scope of the regular city budget.
- Enhance the relationship of the Bartlesville Public Library with the general public, schools, and the business community.
- General endowment and other funds in support of the Bartlesville Public Library.
Friends raise funds for the Library through their annual membership drive and the Bookstore. The Bookstore is open the same hours as the Library, and is located beside the Circulation Desk near the Library’s front entrance. There are great buys on used books and magazines! They also sponsor the Books Sandwiched-In series and the Creative Writing Contest each spring.
Over the past 30+ years, the Friends have provided funds in excess of $80,000 for projects, equipment, programs, and collection materials to enhance Library services. The Friends totally fund 3 annual programs and events: the Battle of the Books, the LEGO Creation Contest, and the Youth Summer Reading Program.
JOIN US!!! Joining the Friends of the Library is easy, quick, and inexpensive. Annual membership fees are structured to conveniently fit every budget.
The Friends of the Library are Making the Difference at the Bartlesville Public Library.