Local & Family History


Ancestry Library Edition in-library use only

Fold 3 Historical Archives

Heritage Quest


Oklahoma Digital Prairie

Bartlesville Examiner Enterprise IN LIBRARY USE ONLY- Ask Staff to Log You In



Helpful Links:

Bartlesville Genealogy Society

Bartlesville Newspaper Obituary Index

 White Rose Cemetery

The Local and Family History Staff have been indexing the Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise newspaper since 2000. Newspapers are archived on microfilm and are available in the LFH Room.

We have an excellent collection of resources for this kind of research.  Local files include Bartlesville-Area newspapers on microfilm back to the 1800s and an extensive obituary file.  We also offer occasional genealogy classes. Contact the LFH department for details at 338-4167.

Obituary Lookups: At no charge to out-of-town patrons, LFH Library staff will search for up to 3 obituaries or conduct one hour of lookup time per patron. Obituary lookups are limited to only those who are believed to have lived in/and or died in Washington County, Oklahoma. There is a charge of $2.00 per page for copies of successfully located obituaries. These will be sent to requestors in self-addressed, stamped envelopes sent to LFH at 600 S. Johnstone, Bartlesville, OK 74003 or as attachment e-mails to the patron’s e-mail address. Copies will not be mailed or sent as attachment e-mail files until payment is received. LFH accepts cash, checks or money orders made to Bartlesville Public Library. Due to limited staff time, this is a one time service. If additional research is required or requested, LFH Staff will be happy to provide names and contact information for area researchers who have indicated a willingness to provide further assistance. Terms of their services are negotiated directly with the researcher.