Come get your gaming on with our adult gaming pcs that are for 18 and up. You have the ability to download the game you want to play! Thank you to our sponsor P66 for making this possible. #BPLibraryLife #gamingpcs #adults
YA STEM Kits are now available to check out! These kits are designed for our teens and can be checked out by having a YA or Adult card. Come check them out in our newly redesigned YA area. #bplrocks #YASTEMKits #STEM #youngadult
Even though we may not be open you can still access our virtual collection. View thousands of books, audiobooks, movies, tv shows, and music for free with your library card. Download the apps to get started today!
Are you looking for a job? Did you know that with your library card you can get professional help with your resume and interview for free? Let us help you land that job! Go to #bplrocks...
Your Library Card opens the door to more than just books! Go to and click on the Brainfuse HelpNow to take advantage of this free service. #TestPrep #ACT #SAT #GED #StandardizedTestPrep #bplrocks...