By City Council resolution #3163, effective at 11:59 PM on Tuesday November 24, 2020, facial masks, covering both the nose and the mouth, are required to be worn while in City of Bartlesville government buildings which includes Bartlesville Public Library. The...
The Friends of the Bartlesville Public Library is having a BIG BOOK SALE with unbelievable prices!Coming in November, all of their Christmas and holiday books will be available.This sale is one you will not want to miss!Books, books, books & deals, deals, deals –...
Bartlesville Public Library is taking Digital Library card applications over the phone or through email! To apply over the phone, please call (918)338-4171. Also, you may download the application (HERE), complete it and email it to us at
Bartlesville Public Library puts the safety of our community first. We have many online/virtual services that can be accessed from home with a traditional or digital BPL card: Click HERE. This includes the Oklahoma Virtual Library! Click HERE.eBooks & eAudio Books...