Each #lifehacks class features a cooking basics segment and an adulting basics segment, which addresses how to handle an everyday task that adults commonly face. These classes are free and tailored for 16-23 year olds.
In the October lifehacks class, Dusty Hardester, of Dusty Rose Cakes and Bakery, will show how to make easy, scrumptious Halloween treats. Michelle Gray from the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission will discuss how to be successful in the workplace.
This program is scheduled for Thursday, October 28 at 4:00 pm and will meet in Meeting Room A. It is open to the public and will also be a Facebook Live event on the Library’s Facebook page. Since this program will be recorded, those who do not wish to be part of the recording will need to seat themselves out of camera range.
For more information, please call the Reference desk at 918-338-4169. The #lifehacks program series is made possible by a community grant from Phillips 66.