TEEN Cake Deco Showcase!

Image may contain: 2 people, people eating, people sitting, table, child, indoor and food

Teens! Decorate a cake, AT HOME, based on a favorite story! This can be a story from a book, a movie, a game, or your life. Submit a photo of your cake to Ljpryce@cityofbartlesville.org by JULY 18th and the pictures will be showcased on our social media and displayed at the library! Include in this email your first name, last initial, and title or description of your cake. BPL will have TEN cake decorating kits available to participants who sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508044cabad29a0fa7-cake . After signing up, kits can be picked up at BPL, either by coming inside or calling 918-338-4170 for curb delivery.
You can still participate if you don’t get one of our kits; you’ll just need to use your own supplies. If you do this, you do NOT need to sign up at the link above.
We can’t wait to show off your awesome cake photos!
Call 918-338-4170 for more info or with questions!