BPL will roll out a great new resource during Spring Break! We now have a STEM Cart and a Maker Cart, which will both be used in many ways, both for library programming and for use by patrons and local groups and organizations! During the week of Spring Break, we will be featuring these Carts at three different STEM workshops for kids!
March 18th, 6:30pm – TCT’s FIRST Robotics Team 2165, Robot Demo, All Ages
March 21st, 2:00pm – Project using BPL’s STEM/Maker Carts, 3rd – 5th graders
March 22nd, 10:00am – Projuect using BPL’s STEM/Maker Carts, PreK – 2nd graders
Assisting with these events will be our local Robotics Competitive Team, mentored by George Halkiades.