Lloyd Coke, who has spent almost 40 years metal detecting, will talk on the subject Wednesday, March 27 from 7 pm to 8 pm in the Library’s Meeting Room A. Coke belongs to two local metal detecting clubs and has won six times in national treasure hunts. His finds, which have been frequently showcased in displays at the Library, include numerous coins, rings, watches, jewelry, keys and toys, to name a few of the objects he has found.
Coke will discuss strategies on how to best use a metal detector, including the Library’s new Garrett ACE 200 Metal Detector from the Library’s Things Collection. He will cover what you can find with the metal detector, as well as the “10 commandments of metal detecting,” which includes information about the state and federal regulations that protect sites against unauthorized relic digging.
This program is free and open to the public. For more information, please call the Reference desk at 918-338-4169.