Do you have a library card? September is Library Card Sign-up Month so get one today! Check out BPL’s catalog (HERE) We lend movies, eBook’s, video games, musical instruments, 100+ cake pans, and so much more we could never list everything. Libraries are now more than just books!
There is nothing more empowering than getting your own library card. It gives you access to technology, resources, and services to pursue your passions and dreams.
Sign up for a library card and find something wonderful at BPL! From virtual Storytime to PlayAway audiobooks, virtual DIY and Adulting classes; we assure you there is something for everyone!
Libraries Transform! Libraries Are Wonderful! Celebrate, this September, Library Card Sign-Up Month with Wonder Woman!
The history behind Library Card Sign-up Month: The campaign started in 1987 as a response to then Secretary of Education William Bennett, who stated, “Let’s have a campaign … Every child should obtain a library card and use it.”