Raffle tickets for this awesome painting by Jon Lindblom are on sale NOW at the Eatery for $5 per raffle ticket. Thank you ALL so much for your support of BPL Literacy Services!
Ok, friends!
This is a FUN one! Our silent book club this month is SOLD OUT, but our most generous friend and artist, Jon Lindblom, has created this amazing painting for us to help raise additional funds for the Bartlesville Public Library Literacy Services!
Beginning Monday, February 12 you can purchase tickets at the Eatery for $5 per raffle ticket. All proceeds will go to the BPL Literacy Services Department!
We will announce a winner the evening of book club, and you need not be present to win.
Thanks Jon! You’re a gift and best supporter of this community!
#eaterybville #lovewhereyoulive #bartlesvillepubliclibrary #bartlesvilleliteracyservices