The Bartlesville Public Library and the OSU Extension Service is pleased to announce an 8-week Gardening Series presented by the Washington County Master Gardeners. For many years the Master Gardeners have maintained the beautiful flower beds at the Library.
These hour-long programs will be Tuesdays starting at 6 pm in the Library’s Meeting Room A. This program series will cover topics like landscaping, growing healthy food on a small scale, pruning trees and shrubs, what comprises healthy soil, and how to attract butterflies and birds. Each program will cover a specific topic presented by Master Gardeners with plenty of experience. These programs are free and will be open to the public. Registration is not required.
On July 20, David Turner will present “Planting Trees and Shrubs.” Turner will discuss the recommended methods of planting hole preparation, planting position, use of soil amendments, and other issues.
For additional information, call 918-338-4187.