OSU-Washington County Extension/Washington County Master Gardeners will be presenting a weekly series of programs covering a wide array of gardening topics. These hour-long programs will be Tuesdays starting a 6 pm, and will be held in the Library’s Meeting Room A. These programs are free and will be open to the public to attend.
On July 27, there will be “Bartlesville Public Library Flower Beds” presented by Kathie McMillan, Patti Lundeen, Charlene Wells, Sandra McBride, Nita Swan, Craig Sutterfield, and Janet Young. For several years the Washington County Master Gardeners Association has maintained the flower beds lining the parking area at the Library. Each flower bed is adopted by several Master Gardeners, and the flower beds have been certified to be Monarch Butterfly Habitats.
When possible, these programs will be Facebook Live events on the Library’s Facebook page.
For more information, please contact the Information Desk at 918-338-4169.