BPL is thrilled to introduce our new Teen Advisory Board! (Pictured are just a few of the members.) The board, made up of teens in the Bartlesville area, is dedicated to improving the collection, programming, services, and more in order to help the library serve the teen community better. “This age group has been hard for us to connect with in the past”, said Laura Pryce, head of the Youth Services Department, “so we were really excited to have such a great turn out at our first meeting and we really look forward to getting their feedback.”
Even though the board has only met 3 times, they already have big things planned. Renovations of the teen area have been discussed at their meetings along with plans for a children’s birthday party for Dr. Seuss. They’ve established a teen Instagram account (teensofbpl),taken over the design and maintenance of a monthly library book display, planned some great library events for their age group and more! All it takes to be on the TAB is filling out a short application, attending one meeting a month, and volunteering at BPL for two hours per month. Pryce says that “we are still accepting applications for anyone who is interested in joining. We have a great team so far but the more the merrier!”
To learn more about what the Teen Advisory Board does or how to join, contact Laura Pryce at:
918-338-4170 OR ljpryce@cityofbartlesville.org